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Monday, September 2, 2019

Academic Writing Task 1 Flowchart The flowchart shows the impact of deforestation

The flowchart shows the impact of deforestation. Summarize the information and present relevant facts, make comparisons where relevant .
Write at least 150 words.  
The flowchart shows the impact of deforestation
IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 Flowchart 

The given flowchart elucidates information about the impact of denuding the earth. 

On an overall, cutting down the trees exposes the area to risk of flooding and lack of biodiversity. 

When green cover is cleared, it leaves soil exposed to the sun. the situation is exacerbated by heavy logging equipment used to logging process that compresses the soil as it passes through the area. Once the soil get sunlight, it is baked hard. This impairs the ability of the soil to  soak the water.  Thus, resulting in water run-off whenever there are rains, and causing flooding. 

Besides this, cutting the trees deprives the soil of roots that eventually leads to soil erosion. Not only this, this also raises the risk of forest fires, which  causes waste wood to burn along.  This can eliminate microorganisms endemic to the area. As fresh pioneer species set in, local vegetation degrades. Furthermore ,   as plants return back lesser moisture to air, it decreases rains. Hence, causing drought. All these factors lead to loss of biodiversity.

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