The below diagrams are layouts of an American office and a Japanese office. Prepare a summary for your lecturer and make comparisions where relevant.
The given layouts elucidate and compare the office floor arrangement of an American and Japanese company.
The Japanese office floor settings exhibit a democratic setup: the office hall has a window on the top; in the front of it, the space is allocated to the department manager. Opposite of him, the seating arrangement for the other personnel is done in two rows on the right and the left.Immediately facing him are section managers, and behind them six clerks sit behind each of their managers.
However, American settings illustrate authoritative setup. The floor has two windows on either side, on the left and right . While the right side of this design has three offices, with the one at bottom right belonging to the general manager and the other two sections managers opposite of the section managers from the across the floor are the room for the copier and the storage, below these are two conference room; the middle space is occupied by ten clerks with five sitting in each rows.